​THINGS WE SHOULDN’T SAY TO OUR Kids #starlingschool 

Parenting is not an easy feat, especially as we try to raise our children to be good role models, confident and with good morals. It is not wrong to discipline our children as we try to shape them, but we should try as much as possible not to blurt out hurtful words that can have damaging effect on them.
So, parents please:
Avoid comparing your kids to others – Nobody likes to be compared to others, most especially kids. Comparing your child to other children could leave your child with a low self-esteem. Your child is unique!
Do not use curse words – Never use curse words in front of your kids, because there’s always the possibility that they would soaked up and use those same words. Don’t even curse in a dialect you know your child wouldn’t understand, they pick up bad vibes easily too and not just bad languages they are familiar with. Kids are great copycats. It’s what you deposit in them that they bring out.
Don’t take out your frustrations on them – Do not blame your child for your short comings. Never make them feel guilty about situations or events happening around the house. Taking out your frustrations on your kids is not a good thing to do. Even when you get angry, reassure them that you are not upset because of them.
Never say to your child “LEAVE ME ALONE” – Constantly telling your child to leave you alone, when you want some ME-TIME, can push them away from you. They may never see the need to come to you whenever they have an issue bothering them.  You could, instead, explain to them that you are trying to have some time to yourself, and promise to attend to them afterwards.

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