​HELPING KIDS HANDLE WORRY. #starlingschool 

Children have their own fair share of worries, especial when things don’t go the way they expect. They worry about a lot of things, regardless of how trivial it might seem to us grownups. Some of these things are related to their age and the stage in life they are in. Parents can help kids manage their fears and anxiety by teaching them how to handle their daily experiences as they grow older. With the help of parents, their confidence can improve as they learn to handle challenges.

Parents may use these ways to help their children handle worries:

Let them know you care and understand how they feel. Counter their fears with encouraging words. Always let them talk about what’s bugging them.

Sometimes when they are worried, the only thing they need is to be comforted. Let them know that they can always receive love and support from mommy and daddy.

Make it a habit to always enquire, when they seem bothered. Find out about their daily activities. Help them through difficult times. Teach them how to deal with problems constructively and help them come up with solutions.

Kids worry about losing good friends, changing school, peer pressure etc. We should try as much as possible to make them know that there would always be problems, but being strong and overcoming problems would only make you stronger.

Let your kids have a daily dose of positive experiences. Let them have fun moments, relax, enjoy themselves. This helps relieve worries.

Finally, as parents, it is important for us to set good examples with our reactions to problems, because our kids watch our actions too.

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